Are you trying to deal with problems on your own as you don't wish to burden your friends, family or loved ones?
Are things from your past holding you back from enjoying your future?
Are you suffering from anxiety/low self esteem and need help in understanding it and how to manage it more effectively?
Do you struggle to find joy and fulfillment in your life?
Have there been some unexpected changes in your life that you are struggling to come to terms with and need help making sense of it?
Do you suffer with mental health and need help managing it?
Are you experiencing relationship or family problems that you need to work through with someone who is inpartial and non judgemental?
The list of reasons to turn to a counsellor is endless so please do not hesitate to contact me if you feel counselling may benefit any aspect of your life
The Benefits of Counselling include:
Seeing your thoughts from a different more positive perspective.
Time to allow you to confront your feelings.
Feel less alone with your problems.
Find it easier to cope in every day life.
Can improve your physical well being.